I’ve worked with Excellence from the performer’s side and attended many from the audience side. I love this organization from both perspectives. Having free access to the amazing talent in our valley is priceless. I’m impressed by the variety that is also scheduled: something for everyone, and at venues spread out so that everyone has easy access. It makes for an incredible evening, and is particularly great for families who may wan to bring children to hear live music, but aren’t comfortable (or allowed) at a bar-type setting. Lastly, I think it’s important for people to know that even though they get a free admission, the artists themselves are paid fairly for a good night’s work. It’s a symbiotic relationship, and only one that works if audiences come out and good people in the position to do so donate to the cause.

Alicia Wrigley, World Class Performer and Educator

I have seen the level of the arts in Utah grow in the last decade and know that some of this is due to top musicians in the area preparing for Excellence in the Community concerts. The bar is being raised for the level of all types of music in Utah and part of that is due to the fact that there is a concert series special enough for local artists to put their best foot forward. These presentations are not normal “gigs”. Jeff Whiteley presents them as “events” and makes sure the audience and the artists know they are appreciated. The Excellence in the Community concert series is a Utah treasure and I hope to see it receive the resources, not only to continue, but to expand.

Corey Christiansen, Guitarist and Professor Utah State University

Excellence in the Community is one of the most professional and well-run concert series I’ve ever played for. I’ve had the privilege of performing on this series for the last 10 years, and every concert is carefully thought-out, only the best instruments are brought in (Steinway pianos from Daynes Music), the sound production is always perfect (Austin Meeks of Taylor Audio), and Jeff Whiteley (director of the series) goes above and beyond in every way to make the concert series a success. His marketing of these concerts and his promotion of the arts in general is not only a testament to the amazing talent pool in Utah, but his personal conviction and championing of the arts in his local community. Every concert I’ve attended has been of the highest quality. Thank you Jeff, and all who make this incredible series a possibility for the community!

Dr. Josh Wright, World Class Performer and Educator

“This wonderful series has dramatically elevated the musical arts and culture in Northern Utah! Providing performers with employment and audiences with continuing accessibility to such an amazing variety of music has been their quest, creed and success! The Excellence organization deserves, and has been increasingly receiving, support from both local sponsors and concertgoers alike!”

Jay Lawrence, World Class Performer and Educator